Thursday, November 3, 2022

I want to run this how I run this!


 I've been on Paltalk since 2005 when i injured myself and had some time off. It was a great place to interact with people. I soon found myself DJn in paltalk rooms, having fun and even started my own little room. 

As time went on Paltalk implimented a web client for the Linux and Mac users. Cool. After a while I guess when they made a Mac client the web client was discontinued. I was force to go back to windows 100 percent of the time. 

I left for several reasons. The first, things had changed. I think just like me we all were working more and playing less. Second, I'm a Linux guy naturally and my windows computer gave out on me so i'm left with my Linux box. If you remember above Linux isn't supported. So I was done.

Then the pandemic happened and in addition for me I lost both my granny in 2018 and my mother in 2021. So I bought a Windows computer for the first time in a longtime. Got on pal and figure I'd have some fun while I was going through everything. 


Well the experience wasn't but I never expected it to be 2005-08. I got in a room and tried to DJ. Things are different now that all the streaming is available. You really don't need to own music. But I am a DJ so you really can't blend streamed music. It was a so so venture. I had issues with configuration, sound on windows and everything else. I got tired of it and stopped. 

Now I'm back on Linux, tired of the 4 month adventure back into the world of Windows. So I though about using Bottles which is a application on Linux to allow you to run Windows programs. Its mainly for gaming but hey Paltalk is kinda gaming. So I gave it a try. It actually worked. I got in a room, could chat, could do a lot of things, I really didn't care for the extras anyway I was just there to listen to the DJs and talk to the people. 

I should have been more careful. As I know the red names are all over the place. But I typed in the room I got paltalk to work on linux its nice. 


Well today I logged on and now it doesn't work. I can say it was something in th software, I could say they reported me and now I'm restricted somehow. 

I was told back some time ago from a technician on paltalk that they don't support people that use VMs or other means to run paltalk because they cheat the system to get paid access. I take that comment with a grain of salt. You telling me Paltalk loses that much money on that to the point you cut off every Linux user and force them to run an operating system they normally don't. Well if my VM that I'm making doesn't work. I guess Paltalk will be gone from me again and the 60 dollars a year I pay to keep my subscription does also. It funny that one program forces you to either be Mac, Windows or android to even take part in it. SMH....Holla paltalk. 

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